Our Core Products & Technologies
Digital Signage, business process automation, audio visual and associated technologies
Digital Signage
For Windows & Android
Multi-screen, multi-zone powerful signage with a wide range of content types and integrations for scheduled and live data.
Visitor Registration & Management
Welcome, verify and monitor visitors to your organisation. Pre-registration, personalised sign-in flow, evacuation and more.
Supervised Contact \ Family Time Management
A Child & Family contact management system for professionsals and teams working in the child contact sector.
Menu Board Management & Display
Manage and schedule display of meals and menus for mass catering and restaurants with rotating menus and multiple outlets..
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Events Management, Room Booking, Display & Wayfinding
Concierge, event listing and wayfinding, outside room display, touch screen booking, calendar integration and more
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Displays for transport hubs and interchanges
Over bay, stand and gate departure screens, totems, departure banks with live and scheduled data for buses, trains and planes
Menu Board Management & Display
Manage and schedule display of meals and menus for mass catering and restaurants with rotating menus and multiple outlets..
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Create, Manage, Complete and Synchronize Reports for Teams
A cloud & mobile tool for anyone that needs to assess & record structured information about anything you might turn your clipboard to
Audit Login
CoolAV - Audio Visual Hardware & Solution Sales
Audio visual equipment, accessories & software for every sector, providing a full audio visual solution
www.coolav.co.ukAbout Procyon Limited
We are a successful and experienced designer and supplier of digital signage and associated software systems and equipment, built around our own suite of software packages.
With 25 years development & integration experience, Procyon provides anything from a single screen to a full turnkey, bespoke package including consultation, design, installation and after-sales maintenance with continuous improvement and deployment.
We have delivered systems to many of the UK's leading companies, who have been able to identify measurable improvements that are helping them to rise above the competition.
We'd like to show you how our systems can be used to improve your visitor & staff communications; streamline business efficiency and provide insight into your resource usage.
Need a call back?
Insights & Benefits of Procyon systemsThe system is saving us hundreds of staff hours per year
Before we were organising contacts on a month by month basis, now we can plan contact sessions for 6 months in advance and can better predict our resource needs.
Now I can see schedule changes and cancellations, and feedback contact reports in real time.
Moving from our previous spreadsheet solution has significantly reduced errors and failed contact meetings.